Saturday, June 1, 2013

Just A Few More Tidbits

It is so hard to describe the majestical feeling one gets when in the groves of the Sequoias.  AND – we are camping in the middle of them.  Just about a mile away from the General Grant tree, we have already made a couple of walks over to sit and wonder at this Monarch – over 1700 years old, 268 feet tall and 40 feet wide!  For some perspective – Magic could be parked behind the tree and you would NOT be able to see her!!  

General Grant Tree - two giants!!

It is hard to believe that something so large and grand could come from something so small –

These little tiny seeds from a dinky pine cone like this one are the origins of the mighty Sequoia.

This tree is so special that President Coolidge proclaimed it to be the Nation’s Christmas Tree in 1926 and President Eisenhower designated it as a National Shrine in 1956 – the only living memorial to those who have given their lives for their country.

Time for some more cardio – so we were off to Little Baldy.  Only a 4 mile roundtriper, but with a 700’ vertical climb.  Again, views were pretty spectacular, but being on top of Little Baldy was NOT nearly as scary as being on top of Moro Rock.

A view of Big Baldy and Chimney Rock from the Little Baldy trail.

Snacks and views at 8,000 feet.

Tokopah Falls and The Watchtower from a very different vantage point than our earlier posting.

Please help me I'm falling!

Our day was completed by a ranger talk from John Muir.  OK – not the real one but a ranger that did a pretty good job of giving Muir's life story and his importance to the Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP’s. 

Upon returning to Magic after the talk we found NO power.  We learned that running the generator for only an hour during the day did NOT charge the batteries enough.  Luckily the refrig and freezer were cold enough to last through the night until quiet hours were over and the generator could be turned back on.  It did prove to be a restless night for G, though, not knowing if all would be OK until morning.  All is well now and the generator is charging as E is writing and posting;-)

Perhaps a drive into Cedar Grove is in store for today – Relieved E & G

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