Thursday, October 4, 2012

More 1,000 Places to See...

We left you enjoying two of four of 1,000 Places To See Before You Die - in Virginia.  Time to give you a glimpse of the other two of the 1,000 Places – and in this case, 1,000 Places and the National Parks collide!!  At Shenandoah -

Third – The Shenandoah Valley (as seen from the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains). It is said that Herbert Hoover, riding horseback along the crest of the Blue Ridge, remarked, “These mountains are made for a road”.  This came to pass in 1939 with the completion of the 105-mile Skyline Drive, which sets high above the Shenandoah Valley.  Fall is a particularly busy time on the Drive as it provides great views of the fall colors – 

Here We Go ----

A colorful view of the Shenandoah Valley from the top of Stony Man Point

The Drive has 75 scenic overlooks, many of which act as trailheads – providing a plethora of hiking opportunities.  The 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail roughly parallels the drive for 101 miles and can be accessed from many of the park’s trails, which we unknowingly did – 

We crossed the Appalachian Trail several time this day and....

...this is taken on the Appalachian Trail about the time Elizabeth figured out that I had taken a wrong turn and we were headed south toward Georgia (a very long hike) instead of to the historical village we were trying to visit. I should stick to shooting pictures.

The Skyland Resort, Shenandoah’s oldest resort (founded in 1894), sits at the Drive’s highest point.  It houses an unfussy restaurant serving “mountain cooking” and the BEST apple pie to date!!!  The roads in and out of the Park provide some interesting sights also.  Doesn’t this sign look a little oxymoron-ish?? 

An interesting concept!!

Four – Last but not least of the 1,000 Places to See Before You Die in Virginia is Colonial Williamsburg.  Cousins Jeanie and Dodge acted as our tour guides for our three days in Williamsburg – and we had a Party!! 

Williamsburg, named after William III, served as Virginia’s capital from 1699 to 1780.  In 1926, John D. Rockefeller Jr. initiated and financed ($68 million) a top-to-bottom restoration of the historic town so scrupulous and historically accurate that today it’s impossible to tell which of the 500 buildings were restored and which were totally reconstructed.  The town is now a living history lesson.  One can come face to face with Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry or The Marquis de Lafayette!!

The Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette arrives at the parade ground.

Major General Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette reviews the troops.

Fire One!
There is a wide cast of townspeople going about their daily lives (portraying the period of 1750-1775) and completely immersed in their characters.  We enjoyed eating in several of the historic ‘taverns’ that served the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, attended an Organ & Harpsichord Recital in the 17th century Bruton Parish Church, and enjoyed the Colonial Williamsburg’s Fife and Drums.

Gary wanted to be out there playing.

Oui, monsieur, c'est magnifique!!

The College of William & Mary (named for the King and Queen in England who provided the Charter to establish the college) sits adjacent to the Colonial town of Williamsburg in a wonderful setting.  It, too, contains much history as the college of Thomas Jefferson, a barracks and a hospital for the Confederate military and today a college for 7,500 students.

Sir Christopher Wren designed the original building at William & Mary.

Now it was time to enjoy the 5th of 1,000 Things to See in Virginia – THE DODGE BIAETT FAMILY!! 

Go Sarah!!!


A gathering at Busch Gardens - Sarah, Sophia & Robert

The Dodge & Jeanie clan.

Happy Birthday Jeanie

A great time was had by all and we look forward to the next visit – wherever it may be!!

Our next stop is Pinehurst, NC and GOLF - "fore-ward" with Elizabeth & Gary

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