The last four days have been awesome!!
There have been feedings, play times, naps on the couch, diaper changes, loads of laundry, lunches and dinners (for the big people), trips to Charleston (for Mom and Dad) and just watching babies. It is amazing how much time you can spend just sitting and watching babies sleep!!
Olivia and George Share a Moment
The last two days gave us two BIG events. Yesterday was Gary's birthday, with lots of phone calls. We even had a 'skype' call with Heather and Haley, which really impressed Bethany and David. It was a lot of fun as everyone got to see and meet everyone! Then we celebrated with a pizza party given to Gary by all the Byrnes - Bethany, David, Westley, George, Olivia and Samuel (who was there in spirit from Charleston)!! After the fun day - we really enjoyed the party. Then - today was our babysitting day! David was back at work and Bethany went to see Samuel in Charleston - so we were entrusted with Olivia and George all to ourselves. Two wonderful things happened today. First - we made it through the day without any alarms on Olivia's monitor, which means we did NOT have to use any of that baby CPR or monitor training!! Great relief at the end of today. And second - Samuel breast fed today!! This is really big and we pray that Samuel just keeps getting stronger and stronger every day so he can get home and enjoy all the things about HOME that Olivia and George are enjoying.
This evening was a sad one because it was our last night with the Byrne family. We have soooooo enjoyed our visit here and are grateful for how Bethany and David (and Westley) shared the babies with us!
Tomorrow we are on our way again - off to Asheville. More later-E&G
We miss you two so much!!! Thank you again for being here! You played such a huge role in the last few, monumental, days of our lives! I'm not sure we could ever explain how much you being here meant to our family :) Love you guys!