Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Navion Grew Up Over the Summer!!

Well - it is time for another trip - THREE months on the road coming up. And guess what?!?! Our nice little 'adolescent' Navion that provided a wonderful spring trip grew up over the summer - gained about 10' and sprouted an offspring!! All because Gary needed more room in the shower.

We took delivery of the new and improved 'Magic Bus' mid-August and took it out on its 'trial run' to a nearby state park for the last two nights. Everything went amazingly well - very little to complain about to the dealer. We tried everything - first and foremost the shower, the convection and microwave ovens, the outside entertainment center, the BBQ, the satellite TV and DVD player, hot water heater, waste disposal system, bed, etc. etc. etc. We even had company for dinner and entertained in the living room!!

Saturday, September 5th, we are off for three months. We will head north from Park City to Glacier National Park - drive through Calgary to Banff - head west to Whistler and Vancouver Island - turn south to Ashland, Oregon on our way to central California and Santa Clarita, CA - then head east to Arizona - and finally back north to return to Park City. Our stops along the way 'target' state and national parks, lots of golf and, of course, many visits with friends and family along the way!

We hope that you 'join' us in our travels and enjoy our stops along the way. Next entry should be some time next week end after our first night on the road - Saturday in Butte, Montana.

See you soon -