For the pat week we have enjoyed visiting, golfing, eating and drinking with our friends Jim and Rebecca. The golf at the Oxmoor Valley courses (2 courses) and at Ross Bridge was great. We felt this way even though we got rained off the Valley course at Oxmoor Valley on Wednesday after 13 holes - and as a result of the rain had to deal with cart path only on Thursday at Ross Bridge. Even so I think we all agreed that Ross Bridge was one of the most beautiful courses we had all played - and between us we have played a lot of nice courses. We enjoyed the golf so much we made a pact to return the same time next year to play some of the remaining RTJ courses!!
Yesterday (Friday) we said goodbye to Jim and Rebecca and headed down to Auburn to play another two courses. (This is a deviation from our original plan - moving our journey to Beaufort to Monday instead of yesterday - more on that later.)
I am not sure what I thought Alabama would be like - maybe just did not think about it! But it has been just beautiful. Yesterday the drive from Birmingham to Auburn was more of the same treed/wooded/forested areas with green rolling hills. This time of year the trees are flowering and just leafing out. So the oranges, purples, fuchsias, pinks and whites of the blossoms against the green hills and mixed in with the pine trees - is unbelievable. Even Gary's adept photography skills can not capture it to do it justice. And, when you add the shading/coloring from the dark skies - it gives a whole other dimension.
Oh yes - dark skies! It rained all the way down yesterday and last night/early this morning we slept under a tornado watch!! Thank goodness, I am here to tell you about it - and the Bus did just fine through it all!
With the rain yesterday afternoon and all day today (rained out of our golf), we have 'toured' the Auburn campus and art museum and really enjoyed it. Looks like a fun place to go to school - not enough, though, to make me want to go back!
Well - about out of computer juice here in the Kroger's Starbucks - so better stop and get this posted. Hope to be back on the golf course tomorrow - more later - E&G